Common Conditions That Qualify for SSDI
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a list of medical conditions that qualify for disability benefits. These conditions must be severe enough to prevent you from working for at least 12 months.
SSDI Medical Conditions Eligibility
The medical eligibility requirements for Social Security disability or SSI disability vary depending on the medical condition that keeps someone from working.
If you are wanting to receive disability benefits, it make sense to learn the SSA requirements for your specific illness or injury, as well as what functional restrictions your doctor should be placing on you for that illness or injury.
With these two pieces of information, you should be able to win disability benefits if your medical condition renders you unable to work.
The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) “Blue Book” is the official list of disabling conditions that qualify for disability benefits. This guide is essential for understanding the specific medical criteria needed to be eligible for disability benefits. Here are the common conditions that qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) according to the SSA Blue Book:
Neurological Disorders
Neurological issues go beyond what happens in the brain to affect other areas of your body. Severe cases of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and ALS are just a few examples that can be considered when applying for disability benefits under Social Security.
A major decision by the Disability Examiner has created an exciting opportunity for those suffering from chronic migraines – they may now be able to qualify under the listing of epilepsy. If a person can show that their limitations match up with paragraph B or D in 11.02, then it presents a potential way forward and offers hope where previously there was none!
Individuals living with ilioinguinal neuralgia-related chronic pain may be eligible to receive disability benefits. Knowing your options can make a world of difference in managing this long term condition and enhancing quality of life.
Can You Get Disability Benefits for Parkinson’s Disease? The Social Security Administration (SSA) has identified Parkinson’s disease as a serious neurological disorder due to the limitations it can cause. To qualify as disabled with PD, your condition must either meet the requirements of listing 11.06 in their Blue Book or severely affect your ability to […]
Does the SSA Qualify Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as a Disability? When it comes to Social Security disability benefits, those affected by advanced multiple sclerosis can benefit significantly. To qualify for these important financial resources, applicants must demonstrate that their MS has impacted the ability to work in a meaningful way – either meeting specific criteria […]
Does SSA Qualify Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy as a Disability? Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a neurological disorder that affects the nerves, causing problems with blood vessels, bones, muscles and skin. Common symptoms of RSD include bone and muscle pain, muscle spasms, discolored or thinning skin, increased sensitivity or burning sensations, increased perspiration and joint swelling/stiffness. […]
Living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be a life-altering experience, significantly altering physical mobility and impacting daily activities and work performance. If you have been unable to work full-time for at least 12 months, you could qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration recognizes two ways to be found disabled due to a SCI: you can either meet or equal a listed impairment (“medically disabled”) or be unable to perform any type of job (“vocationally disabled”).
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Your musculoskeletal system is your body’s structure for movement – it includes all the bones, muscles, joints and tissues. Unfortunately when one part of this complex machinery falters–from slipped discs to arthritis or fractures –it can mean difficulties doing things most people take for granted.
So if you are experiencing long-term muscle or bone impairments Social Security has identified some of the common conditions they see in applications related to disability claims.
Despite the prevalence of Degenerative Disc Disease, Social Security is often hesitant to grant disability benefits due to its perception that mild cases may simply be a part of growing older.
For years, many individuals suffering from fibromyalgia were turned away in their pursuit of disability benefits. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration has stepped up with a special ruling to provide clarity on how such cases should be evaluated – resulting in increased approval rates for people managing this challenging disorder.
Struggling with mobility due to degenerative joint disease? You may qualify for monthly disability benefits! Social Security is here to help.
Back pain can be incredibly debilitating, and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are meant to provide financial aid for those suffering from disabling medical conditions. However, it is difficult for those with back pain to qualify for disability benefits as the duration of their condition must last at least one year before being considered a medically determinable impairment (MDI). These requirements can be tricky to meet if the back pain is caused by injuries like muscle strains, fractures or herniated discs that are likely to heal within a few months. Degenerative discs due to wear and tear, scoliosis and kyphosis, slipped vertebrae, impacted nerves from nerve root compression and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, arachnoiditis and spondylitis may qualify for disability benefits.
Social Security disability benefits are available to individuals who have suffered loss of a limb, regardless of the cause. To be eligible for these benefits, one must demonstrate an inability to work due to the amputation for at least 12 months. When determining whether an individual meets these criteria, Social Security will look at both their medical records and their vocational factors (such as age and type of work), and compare them against the listings of disorders that qualify. Additionally, the time prior to the amputation and during recovery may also be taken into account when making a determination.
Respiratory Illnesses
People with serious breathing issues may be eligible for disability benefits. Common respiratory disorders include COPD illnesses, infections like tuberculosis and pneumonia, hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sleep-related conditions like apnea ,and cancers including lung cancer or mesothelioma. Breath tests are used to evaluate many of these conditions while the frequency of episodes is taken into account in episodic cases such as asthma or recurring infections.
To be eligible, individuals must meet the “work credit” requirement by having made payments towards Social Security taxes over time; this determines how much SSDI they receive based on average lifetime earnings.
Struggling with the aftermath of COVID-19? You may be eligible to receive disability benefits, depending on how significantly your symptoms are affecting you and if they’re lasting into the long haul.
Suffering from sleep apnea can be a difficult struggle, but if the effects are impacting your daily life, you may qualify for Social Security disability. The SSA considers factors like nodding off during the day and treatment measures such as CPAP machines in determining whether an individual’s condition is disabling or not.
If your COPD is severe and limits your ability to perform daily tasks, you may be eligible for disability benefits through the SSDI or SSI program. However, it’s important to note that not all cases of COPD result in disability and some individuals who have quit smoking may have undiagnosed COPD.
Cardiovascular Conditions
The Social Security Administration (SSA) evaluates disability claims that involve heart complications with extra care.
These conditions can include coronary artery narrowing, reduced cardiac capacity and more; all of which are subject to the SSA’s impairment listings for ischemic heart disease or congestive fever failure – based on how much they impede your functionality at work without posing any undue risk.
Does SSA Qualify Heart Disease as a Disability? Social Security disability benefits can be available to people with severe heart and cardiovascular conditions. The SSA will examine evidence of your condition, such as poor test results indicating a lack of exercise capacity or abnormal imaging scans showing damage to the structure and vessels around the […]
Angina is a common condition seen in disability applications for Social Security (SS) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). However, having angina alone does not necessarily qualify a person for disability benefits.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is no longer considered a qualifying disability on its own for applicants seeking Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. However, it can be a contributing factor to other impairments which are listed in the Blue Book, such as kidney failure, stroke, heart attack or failure, vision problems and dementia. The Social Security Administration takes the severity of the impairment into account when assessing an applicant’s claim. Thus, applicants should provide as much information as possible on how their hypertension affects their other conditions when they are seeking disability benefits.
Anemia is a condition where red blood cell count is significantly lower than normal, and can be caused by many factors such as iron or folic acid deficiency, cancer, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, gastrointestinal or menstrual bleeding, or bone marrow disease. Symptoms of anemia range from mild to severe depending on the underlying cause; the severity of anemia can result in disability for some. People with pre-existing illnesses such as heart problems are more likely to experience worse symptoms due to anemia. Hemolytic anemias such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia may also be classified as disabilities under their own listings. To determine if an individual’s anemia is considered disabling for Social Security Disability purposes requires a careful analysis of the severity of the hemoglobin levels and any treatments that have been administered.
Digestive Issues
The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and tube-like structures that ensure our bodies receive essential nutrients from the food we eat. However, this intricate network can also be vulnerable to disruption; abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, bloody stools or unintended weight loss all point towards potential medical conditions which should not be ignored. It’s vital for anyone experiencing these symptoms to seek advice from their doctor so action can be taken before more serious issues arise as part of an inability to properly digest nutrition through your body’s gastrointestinal tract.
These conditions can include coronary artery narrowing, reduced cardiac capacity and more; all of which are subject to the SSA’s impairment listings for ischemic heart disease or congestive fever failure – based on how much they impede your functionality at work without posing any undue risk.
Does SSA Qualify Crohn’s Disease as a Disability? Despite its prevalence, disability approval on the first application for Crohn’s disease is not common – just 26% are approved initially. However, when those denied benefits appeal and attend a hearing with Social Security judges, their chances increase significantly: three-quarters of appeals were granted at this stage! […]
Cancer can be an arduous battle and one filled with uncertainty. Thankfully, there is some assurance from Social Security or SSI disability benefits that may help those diagnosed by easing the financial burden of treatments during this difficult time.
While certain cancers are automatically eligible for these types of benefits based on diagnosis alone, other forms require additional review to determine whether you qualify due to how far it has progressed as well as your inability work because of symptoms or treatment received for the cancer.
Does SSA Qualify Cancer as a Disability? The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a lifeline to those living with cancer. They offer two pathways of application: some cancers automatically qualify as ‘listings’ while others are assessed through medical-vocational allowance which takes into account the applicant’s capabilities and former occupation. Additionally, for advanced cases, priority is […]
Mental Health Disorders
Social Security provides an array of disability listings for mental disorders, from mood and anxiety-related issues to more severe conditions like autism, ADHD or intellectual developmental disorder.
Although you may not meet the criteria in a listing outright, if your emotional difficulties prevent you from performing basic tasks at work then there’s still hope – it could qualify as ‘disabling’ under certain circumstances!
You may be eligible for disability benefits if your ADHD has a significant and impairing impact on aspects of your work life. Explore the qualifications to determine if you meet them and have access to this helpful resource.
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that presents itself differently in every individual. It affects the ability to communicate, understand social cues and interact with others. It typically begins early in life and is usually diagnosed by the age of three. Autism can range from mild to severe, with milder forms such as Asperger’s syndrome or PDD-NOS (pervasive development disorder — not otherwise specified) falling on the autism spectrum. Only the most severe cases are classified as a disability.
Depression is a common mental health disorder that can take many forms and can range from mild to severe. It often results from emotionally traumatic situations such as the death of a loved one or divorce. While some people may experience brief periods of depression, clinical depression, or major depressive disorder (MDD), is different in that it lasts for two weeks or more and is accompanied by severe daily symptoms that significantly interfere with the individual’s ability to function effectively on a daily basis. This includes difficulty performing tasks at work, engaging in family activities, and managing other life responsibilities.
People struggling with schizophrenia may find themselves unable to cope in a full-time job due to the disabling effects of the condition. Those in this situation might be eligible for Social Security disability, which includes both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
The Social Security Administration (SSA) understands that symptoms from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) can cause difficulties in day-to-day life, such as recurring flashbacks and nightmares, angry outbursts, fear of the traumatic event reoccurring, hypervigilance and being easily startled.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers disability benefits for individuals with severe symptoms of bipolar disorder that prevent them from working. Benefits can be obtained by meeting the SSA’s specific criteria for disabilities related to mood disorders or by demonstrating an inability to perform basic, unskilled job tasks.
Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome, a condition that lies on the autism spectrum, may or may not qualify for disability benefits depending on their individual circumstances. Generally speaking, those with milder forms are able to live their lives similarly to neurotypical people, while those with more severe forms may be eligible if their symptoms prevent them from working full-time for at least one year. For children with Asperger’s, they may receive benefits if they are missing developmental milestones, although their case will need to be reviewed when they turn 18.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is used to assess IQ and is divided into six categories, ranging from Very Superior (130+) to Extremely Low (69 and below). People with an IQ score of 75 or lower may qualify for disability under the Social Security Administration’s Listing 12.05 for intellectual disorder, while those with scores in the low average to borderline range could qualify under Listing 12.11 for neurodevelopmental disorders.
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a disability that affects the way children process sound, making it difficult for them to detect subtle differences between words. This can cause difficulties in school and home life, but those with more severe cases may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. APD is further exacerbated by background noise and distractions, making it harder for children with the disorder to understand words. With proper diagnosis and care, however, children with APD can learn strategies that will help them cope with their disability.
Borderline intellectual functioning is a disorder which is diagnosed by IQ test scores falling between 71 and 84. As of 2017, Social Security has put into effect a new listing for these individuals, who experience significant issues with learning and using academic skills. This new listing requires evidence of extreme limitation in one or two areas such as understanding and using information, managing oneself, concentrating on tasks or interacting with others. People with borderline intellectual functioning may also show signs of excessive irritability or sensitivity when interacting with others, as well as difficulty completing tasks in a timely manner.
Anxiety disorders are conditions that can cause people to experience an array of physical and mental symptoms that can range from mild to severe. Commonly reported mental symptoms include persistent worry, irritability, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and a heightened state of alertness. Physical symptoms associated with anxiety disorders may include increased heart rate, sweating, shaking, nausea, muscle tension, and an easy startle reflex. Anxiety disorders can have a significant impact on day-to-day functioning and quality of life, including job performance and personal relationships. The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes that these symptoms can be disabling for some individuals when it comes to working or being productive at work. To qualify for disability benefits, individuals must have a diagnosis of anxiety along with several accompanying symptoms.
Autoimmune Disorders
Our immune system is responsible for protecting us from harmful agents, but sometimes it malfunctions and causes serious disability. Autoimmune diseases like Grave’s disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and Hashimoto’s can be disabling due to the body mounting an abnormal attack on itself via inflammation or build-up of antibodies in specific areas of the body.
Connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis lupus scleroderma are also classified by Social Security Disability criteria as conditions that may qualify people for assistance if they’re unable to work because of their diagnosis.
To determine if an individual has been correctly diagnosed with lupus and that the listing has been “met,” Social Security follows the guidelines set out in the current Criteria for the Classification of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, by the American College of Rheumatology.
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease which causes weakening of the muscles. The effects of MG can range from mild to severe, and in cases when it is severe enough to prevent sufferers from taking part in gainful activity, Social Security may be able to provide benefits. To receive these benefits, you must first show that your symptoms have persisted for at least three consecutive months while taking medication or following other prescribed treatments. Additionally, you must also meet the requirements of the disability listing for myasthenia gravis or demonstrate that MG has affected your muscle function to such an extent that you can no longer do substantial gainful activity. If approved, Social Security will provide ongoing financial assistance to help cover medical costs and other expenses associated with MG. These benefits can make a significant difference in the lives of those living with myasthenia gravis.
Social Security has a comprehensive list of medical conditions (known as the Blue Book) that they consider to be severe enough to qualify for disability benefits. Endocrine disorders, such as Hashimoto’s disease, are included in Section 9.0 of the Blue Book listings. However, rather than evaluating the effects of thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s disease under endocrine disorders, Social Security takes into account potential impacts on other body systems in order to assess the severity of each individual case. This is because Hashimoto’s disease can have a wide range of symptoms and complications depending on the particular parts of your body affected by the disorder. For instance, those with Hashimoto’s may suffer from joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, hearing loss, heart palpitations and more. As such, Social Security will evaluate individual cases based on how these symptoms affect your ability to function day-to-day.
People living with HIV can now benefit from advances in medical treatment, allowing them to live longer and healthier lives. However, for those whose symptoms are not well controlled with current medications or who have complications from the disease, they may still be eligible for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). This is especially true for those over the age of 50, as the SSA has special rules that make it easier to qualify for such benefits.
Vision and Hearing Problems
Those with vision or hearing problems are often eligible for disability benefits, as these conditions can severely limit a person’s quality of life, mobility, and employment opportunities. Examples of such disabilities include blindness, macular degeneration, glaucoma, deafness, hearing loss due to noise exposure or aging.
Other Conditions that May Qualify for Disability Benefits
There are other medical conditions that may qualify someone for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. No matter what your condition is, if it has limited your ability to work then we want to help you get the disability benefits that you deserve.
What Are Medical Conditions That Qualify For SSDI?
It’s important to remember that meeting the Blue Book’s medical criteria isn’t the only requirement for SSDI. You must also have enough work credits from your employment history. The SSA determines the number of work credits you need based on your age when you became disabled.
Furthermore, the disability must be expected to last at least one year or result in death, and it must prevent you from doing substantial gainful activity (SGA), which means work that brings in a certain amount of income per month.
Remember, if your specific condition isn’t listed in the Blue Book, you may still be eligible for disability benefits if you can prove that your condition is medically equivalent in severity to a condition that is listed.