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Your Potential SSDI Payment

2023 Monthly Estimate

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2024 Monthly Estimate


????️ Oh no! Calculator is currently undergoing an upgrade…  

In the meantime, you can try the calculator on SSA.GOV  or apply for free Claim Consultation with a Disability Specialist if you meet the criteria.

We’ll be back up and running soon with a brand new calculator!

— DisabilityQualification.com Team


Approval Rate
With Attorney


Approval Rate
Without Attorney


Satisfied With
Their Attorney

*Statistics from a recent study from NOSSCR.org.

[glossary-ignore]Disability Qualification recommends hiring a Disability Lawyer for your SSDI/SSI application or appeal. Top firms only charge a commission if your claim is approved.[/glossary-ignore]

Next Step: See If You Qualify

  1. Take the assessment below to see if you qualify for a premier Disability Lawyer.
  2. Get matched with a Disability Specialist for a phone consultation to verify approval.
  3. Get legal representation at no-out-of-pocket cost to you.

Login into Your my Social Security

Access the SSA's free, secure my Social Security account to manage benefits, request a replacement card, and utilize tools for estimating future benefits.

Eligible for Other SSA Benefits?

Free & confidential SSA tool that helps you find out if you are eligible for any other Social Security benefits. The tool is easy to use and takes just a few minutes to complete.

How does this Disability Calculator provide its estimates?

The SSDI calculator on this page aims to provide a more accurate SSDI benefit estimate for this year & next year.

In addition, we include insights & explanations that help you understand terminology to prepare you for the SSDI Application Process.

We update our calculator regularly so future estimates may be different.

How SSA Will Calculate Your Benefit

It's important to note that the actual SSA benefit amount is based on 35 years of income data. Furthermore, actual benefit amount can be impacted by other contributing factors.

Try the SSA Detailed Benefits Calculator

Existing SSA Benefits Calculation Method

Estimates utilize PIA formula, latest COLA projections, and proprietary formulas intended to make accurate estimates easier for both current & prospective recipients of SSDI benefits.

Existing SSA Benefits Calculation Method

If you are currently already approved, the calculator uses early COLA estimate & SSA payment data to calculate remaining payment amount & future benefit amounts with a much higher degree of accuracy.

How are Social Security disability payments calculated?

Social Security Disability benefits are based on your earnings from your job. How Is Disability Calculated? SSDI benefits are calculated by using the sum of:

  • 90% of the first $1,115 of your average indexed monthly earnings, plus
  • 32% of your average indexed monthly earnings over $1,115 and through $6,721, plus
  • 15% of your average indexed monthly earnings over $6,721.

This SSDI calculator assumes you became disabled in 2023.

Social Security Disability Benefits Pay Chart 2023

Who qualifies for Social Security Disability benefits?

SSDI eligibility is based on work-related several factors. Take our quick questionnaire to see if you qualify.

Individuals must typically be making less than $1,350/month to qualify for SSDI benefits. Individuals must also be unable to work full-time, be out of work for at least 12 months, and have worked at least 5 of the last 10 years.

What are the chances I will receive Social Security Disability benefits?

After qualifying, the SSA reports that only 26% of first-time applicants are approved. We highly recommend seeking legal help and hiring an experienced disability lawyer to increase your chances of winning.

Learn more about your chances of winning Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. 

How much does Disability pay?

Use our calculator above to find out how much you could draw monthly for SSD benefits.

Have a Suggestion or Feedback?

Send suggestions or feedback on ways we can improve the SSDI calculator to [email protected].


What is the average Social Security disability benefit payment in 2023?

The average Social Security Disability benefit payment amount an individual can receive is $1,483/month (an increase of $119 from 2022).

What is the maximum Social Security disability benefit payment in 2023?

The maximum Social Security Disability benefit payment amount an individual can receive is $3,627 per month.

How much can a Social Security lawyer charge in 2023?

According to the Social Security Administration, the maximum fee that a Social Security lawyer can charge is 25% of the client’s past-due benefits, up to a maximum of $7,20012. If the lawyer obtains a more favorable decision on appeal, resulting in additional benefits for the client, the SSA may authorize an additional fee under the fee agreement process, subject to the limits established by the fee agreement, but not to exceed the lesser of 25 percent of the past-due benefits or the specified dollar amount (e.g., $7,200) 3.

How Much Could You Get from SSI in 2023?

The maximum monthly SSI payment for 2023 is $914 for an individual and $1,371 for a couple. Your actual benefit amount may be lower depending on your income and family circumstances. Source

What is the average SSD benefit payment in 2024?

The average Social Security Disability benefit payment amount an individual can receive is estimated to be $1,527/month (an increase of $44  from 2023).*

*This estimate is based on a 3% COLA increase from 2023. SSA will release actual amounts in mid-October. 

What is the maximum Social Security disability benefit payment in 2024?

The maximum Social Security Disability benefit payment amount an individual can receive is $3,735 per month*.

*This estimate is based on a 3% COLA increase from 2023. SSA will release actual amounts in mid-October. 

2024 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

The COLA is designed to help Social Security beneficiaries and SSI recipients keep up with the rising cost of living. The COLA is calculated in October of each year and is announced to the public in November. The COLA goes into effect in January of the following year.

How We Calculate 2024 Benefits

The above SSDI calculator estimates 2024 Benefits based on our research of leading opinions. We update it based on current predictions from leading organizations.

We will update it to the official COLA as soon as that information is announced.

Leaders' Estimates for 2024 COLA

  • Senior Citizens League: 3.2% increase [1]
  •  AARP: 3.3% increase [2]
  • The Motley Fool: 3.3% increase, but no more than 3.5% [3]

These COLA estimates give SSDI beneficiaries an idea of potential 2024 payments. But the actual 2024 COLA depends on inflation from July to September 2023.

The Social Security Administration will announce the official 2024 COLA in October 2023. The adjustment takes effect January 2024 and aims to maintain SSDI purchasing power.

How is COLA Calculated?

The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is calculated based on the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) from the months of July, August, and September. According to the Labor Department, there was a 3.2% annual increase in the CPI-W in July, with a subsequent rise of 3.4% in August, as per the data released recently. Comparatively, the CPI-W experienced a significant surge last year, with a 9.1% jump in July and an 8.7% increase in the following month.

The COLA is determined using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), which tracks price changes for goods and services purchased by urban workers [1].


1. [Senior Citizens League](https://seniorsleague.org/)

2. [AARP](https://www.aarp.org/)

3. [Motley Fool](https://www.fool.com/)

4. [Bureau of Labor Stastistics](https://www.bls.gov/)

When is the best time to apply for SSDI benefits to maximize backpay?

You should apply for SSDI benefits as soon as you become disabled. This ensures you receive the maximum backpay you are eligible for.

Am I eligible for backpay from the date I am disabled? 

No, at Disability Qualification, there is a mandatory 5-month waiting period for SSDI benefits. This means that individuals cannot receive benefits for the first 5 months after becoming disabled. This waiting period serves the purpose of discouraging individuals who are only temporarily disabled from applying for benefits.

What does Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) backpay mean?

SSDI backpay refers to the benefits amount that you would have received if your claim had been approved immediately when you first applied. It is paid only for the months you were disabled and had applied for benefits.

Do I need to be disabled and apply in 2023 to receive any back payments for 2023 if my application is approved in 2024?

Yes, to receive any backpayments for 2023, you must have been disabled and applied during that year, even if your application gets approved only in 2024.

Can I get backpay for 2023 if I was not disabled in that year but got approved for benefits in 2024?

No, you cannot receive backpay for 2023 if you were not disabled during that year, even if your benefits are approved in 2024.

Are there exceptions to this rule?

Yes, an exception known as the "administrative delay" exception exists. If you were disabled in 2023 but did not apply for benefits until 2024, you might be eligible for backpay for up to 12 months preceding the month of your application.

What conditions do I need to meet to qualify for the administrative delay exception?

To be eligible for the administrative delay exception, you need to have been disabled in 2023, not have applied for benefits until 2024, and have a valid reason for the delay in application.

Can you provide some examples of a valid reason for delaying the application?

Valid reasons for delaying an application can include being unaware of your eligibility for benefits, not understanding the application process, inability to obtain required medical records, or not being able to afford legal representation.

What should I do if I think I may be eligible for the administrative delay exception?

If you believe you might qualify for the administrative delay exception, it is advised to contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) or your Disability Attorney/Advocate if you have one.